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Do Dogs Eat Less When Pregnant?

Many pregnant dog owners wonder if it is normal for dogs to eat less when pregnant. After careful thought and research on this question, here’s what we found. Most dogs experience a significant decrease in appetite during pregnancy, often becoming reluctant to eat...

Does Your Dog Need You to Give Birth? (Understand Birth Issues in Dogs)

Well, by now you must have successfully mated your dog and taken good care of her during the whole pregnancy cycle. And now it’s time for her to deliver puppies and you are wondering if you need to help her deliver her puppies. Well, yes and no. What do I mean? Well,...

6 Amazingly Helpful Questions to Ask a Breeder Before Getting a GSD Puppy

Before buying a GSD (German Shepherd Dog) from any breeder, you must ask a series of questions to ensure you get the right puppy for your home. Unfortunately, first-time dog owners get carried away by the excitement and don’t get to ask the right question. So,...

Easily Bathe Your German Shepherd (An Awesome In-depth Guide)

Bathing is a very fun and rewarding job that offers you the opportunity to bond with your adorable snuggle bud. But, unfortunately, your German Shepherd might not love the whole grooming process, becoming agitated and resisting your efforts to groom him. If that is the problem...

Is a Weekly Bath Okay for German Shepherd Dogs? (4 Tricks for Healthy GSD'S)

One of the common questions a new German Shepherd owner asks is how often their dogs should be bathed. And if you have found this website, you are probably a new owner wondering the same thing. Or probably your German Shepherd is already suffering from some skin issues and...
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