

Home of K9 Enthusiast

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Here at Caninevile, we put much effort into making as much helpful dog breeding and grooming articles available to help you best care for your best friend. 

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Blog Posts

Do Dogs Eat Less When Pregnant?
Many pregnant dog owners wonder if it is normal for dogs to eat less when pregnant. After careful thought...
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Does Your Dog Need You to Give Birth? (Understand Birth Issues in Dogs)
Well, by now you must have successfully mated your dog and taken good care of her during the whole pregnancy...
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6 Amazingly Helpful Questions to Ask a Breeder Before Getting a GSD Puppy
Before buying a GSD (German Shepherd Dog) from any breeder, you must ask a series of questions to ensure...
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Easily Bathe Your German Shepherd (An Awesome In-depth Guide)
Bathing is a very fun and rewarding job that offers you the opportunity to bond with your adorable snuggle...
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Blog Posts

Do Dogs Eat Less When Pregnant?
Many pregnant dog owners wonder if it is normal for dogs to eat less when pregnant. After careful thought...
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Does Your Dog Need You to Give Birth? (Understand Birth Issues in Dogs)
Well, by now you must have successfully mated your dog and taken good care of her during the whole pregnancy...
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Help build the Pen

Here at Caninevile, we put much effort into making as much helpful dog breeding and grooming articles available to help you best care for your best friend. 

Help support our ongoing efforts by donating today.

Any amount is greatly appreciated.
