

A lot of people wonder why most Nigerians neglect their dogs. Before we answer this question, it would be essential to note that not all Nigerians behave this way. Also, not all Nigerians behave this way knowingly. A lot of factors contribute to Nigerians mistreating their dogs. We will divide the reasons into two parts, ( 1 ) reasons they control and ( 2 ) reasons beyond their control. Well, let’s get started, shall we?

Stop Animal Cruelty


Most Nigerians mistreat their dogs for reasons they can control. This section will consider two controllable reasons why Nigerians fail their dogs. 

Personal Opinions.

Most Nigerians neglect their dogs because they believe that animals are for two purposes, breeding and eating. But in the case of dogs, they think that dogs can serve only three primary goals, breed, eat, and protect. Most dog owners in Nigeria have bought a dog for one of the reasons listed above. A dog owner who gets a dog only for eating would most likely mistreat it and neglect its health. Why?

Because they hope to consume the dog soon, when a dog is gotten for protection or breeding, Nigerian dog owners try to give as much consideration as they can to the overall welfare. The only disadvantage is that when a dog fails to serve the purpose, you got it for, the owners tend to be aloof and uncaring, leaving their dog to suffer.

A Lack Of Time.

Successfully caring for a dog is no easy responsibility, requiring time and devotion. Sadly, most dog owners in Nigeria either don’t have the time or are unwilling to devote the time needed. Failure to spend time on their pets may lead dogs to develop bad traits and habits. It could also cause a series of health complications.

 For example, an owner who fails to keep a tab on a puppy’s shots and fails to feed, exercise, and train their dogs to a reasonable degree would have ill-mannered, sick, and malnourished dogs, which in fact, is the situation for almost 75% of dogs in the country. 


Nigerians neglect their dogs for uncontrollable reasons.

Although some reasons for dog mistreatment are the owners’ faults or under their control, other reasons are not. What are some of those reasons? Let’s look at three of those reasons.

A Lack Of Knowledge.

One major factor contributing to dogs being baldly treated or neglected in Nigeria is a lack of knowledge. Not many Nigerians wanting to keep a dog would endeavor to take the time to do research into it.

 So when they eventually do get a dog, they treat and care for their dogs based on their head knowledge and the common myths and legends spread throughout the country.

 For example, Nigerian dog owners have believed that a dog being excessively aggressive to strangers is good behavior. And they would go to any distance to ensure their dogs are as bold as possible. Some methods to achieve this type of aggression are sometimes cruelty to the dog.

Personal Disposition.

Most Nigerians are brought up not giving too much attention to their pets. Pets are seen but not heard, only remembered when it’s time to feed. This behavior spurns from the way sheep and cattle are cared for.

They are provided and left to fend for themselves, only remembered when there is a big feast. Most Nigerians even love the eating of dogs and rare it for that purpose. All these factors contribute to most dogs getting the worst treatments ever. 


Another reason beyond the control of the average Nigerian is poverty. Some have a heart of gold and want to take good care of the dogs under their supervision.

However due to the poor economic situation, they are under a constraint. They could choose to live without these dogs and risk being the victims of assault and robbery.

 So to feel safe and secure, they tend to get these canines and treat them to the best of their abilities. But is there any hope for Nigerians? What could be done to prevent these types of treatments from ever happening? Let’s find out.


  1. Create Awareness.
  2. Enforce Animal rights Laws.
  3. Creation of Animal Police Service.
  4. Building and Maintaining Animal Rescue Shelters.

 But what changes would all these infrastructures bring to Nigeria, and how would implementing all these laws affect the overall behavior of Nigerians? Will tackle these questions in our subsequent posts.


Here at Caninevile, I write about our personal experiences owning, breeding and sometime babysitting deferent dog breeds.

We went through a lot of experiments with our first dog, (German Shepherd) and the internet really helped us pass through that period successfully.

This website is a way we give back to the community of dog lovers, sharing what we know and have come to learn.

Thank you for visiting Caninevile and hope to see you soon!

Articles: 68