
What Protection dog Breeds Is ideal for a Nigerian?

Life in Nigeria could be considered a real hassle. As the economic situation deteriorates, we have seen an increase in crime, unlike anywhere else in the world. So frequently, it’s always a question of how to stay safe and secure in an unsecured country.

Well, many Nigerians have become innovative in their approach to staying safe. Nowadays, dogs are increasingly becoming a must-have if you are guaranteed proper security. If you have decided to get a dog, how do you determine what type of protection dog breed is ideal for you? This blog post is your answer to this question.

This post will also cover five popular protection dog breeds in Nigeria that you could consider getting. So let’s start to form the reason you are here, how to know the protection dog is ideal for you, a Nigerian.

How to choose an Ideal Protection Dog breed as a Nigerian.

choosing a protection dog

There are a lot of factors to consider when deciding what type of protection dog is ideal for you. To determine this, you would need to consider three factors.

Your Location.

This is the first step you must take when determining what protection dog breed to get. Do you live in an urban or rural area? How accessible is it? Would you have access to the tools and resources needed to take care of your potential dog breed? And what is the condition of the area you live in? These questions are fundamental if you are to decide what dog breed would be okay to get.

Level Of Threat.

Another essential thing to observe is the threat level. Experience has shown that those who fail to consider this end up with dogs that didn’t just meet up to expectations.

This would lead them to neglect or even mistreat their dogs. If you have no idea what we are talking about, click here for more info. So how do you determine the volume of threat? Well, you can start by assessing your area.

You could also look at what dog breeds are commonly used for protection in your area. You could also ask a vet for his advice.

You could also assess threat levels by observing what is happening around you. Once you have evaluated the threat level, you will better understand what protection dog would serve you best. Now for the most important of all – your pocket.

Your Pocket.

The most important of all the steps to consider is your pocket. If you fail to draw a budget, you would end up with a dog and not having the money to take care of it.

So you would need to ensure that whatever dog breed you choose would be well within your budget. In a future post, we will consider ten dog breeds an average Nigerian could own.

So make sure you follow all these three steps, and you are guaranteed to choose the right dog breed. But if you remain confused, here are five protection dog breeds popular among Nigerians.

Five Protection Dogs common in Nigeria.

German Shepherd.


One of the most owned dog breeds among Nigerians is the German Shepherd. This breed is so common because of its fierce look and because you could find it just about anywhere.

You could also find very cheap GSDs here and there. This is a good guard dog to get if you would be looking for something to scare away first-line attackers. But because only anyone can breed a GSD, finding a pure bread one could be tough.


The Rott

Another trendy protection dog among Nigerians is the Rottweiler breed. They are very high-quality breeds with a dominating appearance.

This is a perfect breed to own, not only because they are fiercely looking but because you can easily maintain them.

You have the species if you are looking for a dog breed to scare away threats and keep you safe and secure. This is because there have been many falsely spread myths about this breed that have put fear in the hearts of Nigerians.


The Boerboel is another top-quality dog breed suitable for protection and typical for Nigerians is the Boerboel. This breed is blessed with a lot of mussels and power. Many Nigerians look to it as the solution to their security issues.

This dog breed has it all, with the only downside being that you need to have a lot of money to own one. That is because the price to own and maintain one is very high. So if you do not have a fat budget, consider getting one of the two breeds mentioned above.

Caucasian Shepherd.

A prevalent and well know dog breed in Nigeria is the Caucasian Shepherd. This dog breed has a very dominating look and the face of a lion. It is also known as the famous wolf killer.

This dog is so strong that it could quickly bring down a full-grown man. If you have a decent budget, you could own one of these dog breeds very comfortable.

This is because though they look tremendous in size, they only consume and need half as much food as a Boerboel to stay fit and healthy.

American Pitbull.

Built for Protection

The American Pitbull is another popular dog breed used for protection. This dog may look small in size but is a mighty and fierce dog.

The fun thing about this breed is that just those in the neighborhood know you have a Pitbull, your house is marked, and you are guaranteed safety.


To live safe in Nigeria, no matter where you stay, you must have the right breed. Following the steps mentioned above would be critical in choosing and maintaining a breed that would be very effective and serve you.


Here at Caninevile, I write about our personal experiences owning, breeding and sometime babysitting deferent dog breeds.

We went through a lot of experiments with our first dog, (German Shepherd) and the internet really helped us pass through that period successfully.

This website is a way we give back to the community of dog lovers, sharing what we know and have come to learn.

Thank you for visiting Caninevile and hope to see you soon!

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