
What is the Working Line German Shepherd?

The German Shepherd is a fine, balanced, and very intelligent dog breed known for its ability to work under any circumstance. This is why the breed is tagged an all-purpose utility dog.

The German Shepherd has five different variants but can be divided into two main breed types. We have the working and show line, German Shepherd.

Well, in today’s post, we will discuss, at great length, everything there is to know about the German Shepherd working line.

What is the Working Line German Shepherd?

The Working Line German Shepherd is one of the two main types of the German Shepherd dog breed. It has a strong character and a higher energy drive when compared to the Show Line. It has all the skills and attributes to be used for intense high-level work like police and military. The Working Line German Shepherd is powerful, Fearless, and a loyal companion to its handler.

The Working Line German Shepherd has different traits, sizes, and structures depending on where it is bred. We have three main types of Working Line GSDs.

We have the East, West, and Czech Working Line German Shepherd. This post would be very helpful if you are looking for a working German Shepherd line and need to know which of the lines to choose from.

So please only go somewhere as we consider in detail the history of each of these Working Lines, including their features and temperament.

The East Working Line Greman Shepherd

A Dark Coated East Working Line GSD

The East Working Line, also known as the East DDR Greman Shepherd, is known for their slightly sloped backs, darker coats, and small ears.

They mostly come in black or dark colors. They are known to have coats that are suitable for harsh weather conditions. The East Working Line German Shepherds are also known to have a high prey drive and can work long hours.


The East Working Line German Shepherd originated from East Germany during the second world war. The dog was originally used in police work and was known as DDR ( Deutsche Demokratische Republic) German Shepherd, the Federal Republic of Germany.

The East working line had strict breeding standards and was only allowed to breed if they were free from hip and elbow dysplasia.

The Germans bred the dog to withstand and work under extreme cold. The dog’s popularity grew due to its high work ethic and balanced temperament. Today, these dogs are seen in the police and military force. They can also be seen relaxing in the yards of loving owners of the breed.

Size and Weight.



Size: 24 to 26 inches

22 – 24 inches

Weight: 65 – 80 pounds

60 – 75 pounds.

The West Working Line German Shepherd.

A west Working Line GSD

The west German Shepherds are known for their balanced temperaments and stunning looks. These dogs were bred with a strong prey drive and the ability to excel in any sport.

The west working line has also been seen as good family pets and protection dogs. Though they have a balanced temperament, they know just when to turn on and show the amount of aggression needed to the word of any intruders.

These dogs are also known for their stunning looks and big bones. They come in various colors, as well as hair coating, with their colors ranging from black, black, and tan, black and silver, sable, sable and tan, and so on.


When the cold war started, the German Shepherd breed was split between East and West Germany. Those in East Germany went on to create a dog able to withstand harsh cold weather conditions.

While those in West Germany focused on creating a breed with a balanced temperament and great work ethic, unfortunately, the West German Shepherd has a lot of health issues due to bad breeding standards set by those of West Germany.

Regardless of the issues associated with these breeds, if you get one from a good line and reputable breeder, you will enjoy this breed as a lifetime companion.

Size and Weight.



Size: 24 – 26 inches

22- 24 inches

Weight: 60 – 90 pounds

50 – 75 pounds

The Czech Working Line German Shepherd.

A Dark Coated Czech GSD

The Czech Working Line German Shepherd, also known as the Czechoslovakian Shepherd, is a Greman Shepherd bred in the Czech Republic. These German Shepherds are noticeably the smallest of the three working breeds.

And unlike the East and West Greman Shepherds, the Czech Working Lines have a Straight back and shorter hair coats. They are also known to have high energy and can work long hours without needing time out.


The Czech Working Line breed has been around since 1955, but the breed’s popularity came in 1989 when both East and West Germany were reunited.

The dog was originally bred for border patrol work but now can be seen sitting comfortably in German Shepherd owners’ homes in Germany and all over the world.

And though the East and Czech Working Line Greman Shepherds are often compared, the Czech Working Line’s popularity has greatly surpassed that of the DDR working line.

Size and Weight.



Size: 24 – 26 inches

22 – 24 inches

Weight: 66 – 68 pounds

49 – 61 pounds


The Working Line German Shepherd is a nice dog for home and protection work. They are a dog breed that would require great care and training to grow to be calm and a good family companion. Click here to learn more about owning and caring for a German Shepherd puppy.


Here at Caninevile, I write about our personal experiences owning, breeding and sometime babysitting deferent dog breeds.

We went through a lot of experiments with our first dog, (German Shepherd) and the internet really helped us pass through that period successfully.

This website is a way we give back to the community of dog lovers, sharing what we know and have come to learn.

Thank you for visiting Caninevile and hope to see you soon!

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