
Top 10 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in The World

Everyone has that one thing they are willing to spend a fortune to get. For some, it’s bags, shoes, clothes, cars, gadgets or food! The list is endless. Surprisingly (or not), some can spend their fortune on dogs. Yes, dogs! Man’s best friend. Dogs are so precious to some of us that we consider them part of our family. So, if we spend a lot on our family members, especially our children, why can’t we do so on dogs? Right?

Well, if you are a new breeder who is looking to get a general idea of where to price your dog, or you are probably looking at which dog breeds will give the most reveue, this post will be very helpful to.

Well, that being said, these are the 10 most expensive dog breeds in the world.

  1. Tibetan Mastiff
  2. Samoyed
  3. Afghan Hound
  4. Canadian Eskimo
  5. French Bulldog
  6. Chowchow
  7. Azawakh
  8. Löwchen
  9. Dogo Argentino
  10. Rottweilers

If you have a basic idea of what the dogs in this list look like, you might wonder what makes them so expensive? is it their size, or overall looks? well, there are many reasons why some dog breeds are more expensive than others, but these are just a few of those reasons.

  • Purebred: Dogs with two parents of the same breed would cost way more than a mixed breed or a mutt. Also, if they come from a prestigious show dog bloodline, expect them to cost tens of thousands of dollars.
  • Demand: Your geographic location dramatically impacts the cost of a dog breed. Some breeds are in high demand in some countries and low in others.
  • Vet bills: Indeed, the most significant expenses over time will be the bills spent visiting the vet. You can’t have a dog and avoid the vet. From routine checkups to dental appointments to visits because your dog decided to be mischievous and swallow a ball(okay, maybe not a ball, but you get the drill.), vet visits are inevitable, and they aren’t cheap.
  • First-time purchases: The initial cost to buy some dog breeds cost thousands of dollars. First-time supplies like dog collars, food and water bowl, crates and other essential dog supplies can take a toll on your pocket. The good thing is that these purchases are one-time purchases.

So if you are a new to breeding and looking at getting any dog breed, ensure to keep those above points in mind. But now though lets looks closely at the Top ten dog breeds, and what makes them stand out.

Tibetan Mastiff

Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is native to Nepal and China. They developed this ancient dog to protect homes and sheep from predators like bears and wolves.

In China, the Tibetan Mastiff, considered a holy dog, supposedly brings blessings and symbolizes higher social status—that explains why they treasure them greatly in China. A purebred Tibetan Mastiff costs about $2,000 to millions. In 2014, a property developer bought a Tibetan Mastiff puppy for 12 million yuan or $1.95 million—this potentially made the Mastiff from Tibet, the most expensive dog in the world.


The Samoyed is a beautiful dog originating from Siberia. This rare Siberian breed is adorable, loving, kind, and eager to please people. Samoyedic people initially bred this breed to assist them in pulling and guarding reindeer and sleds.

A purebred Samoyed puppy costs about $14,000. Maintaining is also challenging as they are prone to health issues like cardiac disorders, corneal dystrophy and autoimmune conditions. All of these health issues are expensive to treat. You can ensure your dog’s health to secure their health. Remember, if your dog is healthy, it’s happy; if it’s happy, you’re happy.

Afghan Hound

From the mountains of Afghanistan, the Afghan Hound is a beautiful pet and show dog desired because of its unique look and long hair.

The Afghan Hounds are devoted to their owners but aloof with strangers. They live for an average of 10-14 years, and their health conditions are pretty expensive. The Hound is at risk of hypothyroidism and cataracts, which can cost up to $3000 to treat; this is one reason why this dog breed is expensive.

The Hound from Afghanistan is one of the most expensive dogs in the world, costing an average of about $5,000 to $7,000.

Canadian Eskimo dog

Canadian Eskimos are one of the rarest dogs in the world. The people of Thule introduced this dog as a working dog in North America one thousand years ago. Unfortunately, the Canadian Eskimo is facing extinction. According to estimates, there are about three hundred purebred Canadian Eskimos worldwide. So, it’s no surprise that this dog is expensive. A purebred Canadian Eskimo puppy costs about $8,750.

The Canadian Eskimo is unsuitable for families with children because they often overreact to little disturbances and are very territorial.

This dog breed is prone to Arthritis, entropion, gastric torsion and heat intolerance. You must know by now that health issues are equal to vet bills, and are vet bills cheap? Of course not!

French Bulldog

French Bulldogs are peculiar because of their narrow hips and short legs; this makes it impossible for them to mate traditionally. To reproduce, they need artificial insemination and c-section, which cost about $1000 to $3000! And there are other breeding expenses. Indeed their breeding cost is exceptionally high, which is why French Bulldogs are so expensive. The French Bulldog can cost you about $6,000.

French Bulldogs are great companions for single people, couples, and families. They are known for their affectionate and playful nature. French bulldogs are also excellent watchdogs because they are alert. They are loved by many. So, another reason why they are expensive is that they are in high demand.


The Chowchow, one of the fluffiest, rarest and oldest dog breeds, originates from Northern China. This fluffy dog breed isn’t the best choice for inexperienced dog owners because they are stubborn and strong-willed.

To purchase Chowchow pups would cost you about $1000 to $4000. The cost of maintaining a Chowchow’s life is about $11000.

Chowchows are prone to hip and elbow dysplasia, thyroid function, allergies, and eyelid entropion, so be ready to visit the vet often, and no, the bills aren’t cheap.


If you’re seeing the Azawakh for the first time, you’d probably think it’s malnourished or starved because of how skinny it looks. This dog breed from West Africa is supposed to look skinny and they are not starving. This hunting dog is rare, so it’s no surprise they cost up to $9500.

As hunting dogs, Azawakh’s recover quickly from injuries and have a few hereditary conditions. They suffer from wobbler disease and epilepsy only. The Azawakh can live up to 12-15 years with quality health care.


The Löwchen, also the little lion dog, originated in France and was popular among Europeans. In 1973, however, Löwchens almost went extinct because only sixty-five existed worldwide. Fortunately, they didn’t go extinct, but they are scarce. There are about three hundred remaining Löwchens registered annually.

Because of how rare Löwchens are, they are expensive to buy. Just purchasing the Löwchen could cost as much as $12000. But there is good news! They are healthy dogs, so they rarely get sick. You wouldn’t need to break the bank because of their health issues. Also, Löwchens

can live up to 13-15 years.

Löwchens are the perfect buy for families with children as they are outgoing, playful, and active. So, if you’re a family person, you can consider buying one if you have $12000 to spare, of course.

Dogo Argentino

The Dogo Argentino is a dog of the Mastiff originating from Argentina. Dogo Argentinos, bred to be pack-hunting dogs, can take down big wild games like Puma and Boars. Unfortunately, because they are ferocious and one of the most dangerous breeds in the world, this dog is illegal in Colorado, the United Kingdom, and New York City.

However, because of how rare they are, a purebred Dogo Argentino puppy can cost about $1500 to $3500. If they come from a champion bloodline, it can cost up to $5000. They can live for up to 12-14 years. They are susceptible to deafness and hip dysplasia, so their vet bills can be pricey.


Rottweilers are one of the most common dog breeds in the world. Hence you can find them nearly everywhere. So, you’re probably thinking, “why are they on this list?” Well, While they are not as expensive as many dogs because they are mostly mixed breeds, a purebred Rottweiler can cost up to $9,000 from a trustworthy German breeder.

Also, they are easily prone to health issues like dog cancer and almost every disease, so the vet bills for Rotties would be high. The pet insurance bills of Rotties are pretty high as well. Their life span ranges from 8-10 years; this is lower than the life expectancy of most dogs.

The good thing to note is that Rottweilers are fantastic family pets as they are obedient and loyal to their owners.


Many factors affect the cost of dogs. While some are rare to find, others are high in demand, and others have health issues that skyrocket the cost of vet bills. The question is, “how much are you willing to spend on a dog? It would mean a lot to hear your comments.


Here at Caninevile, I write about our personal experiences owning, breeding and sometime babysitting deferent dog breeds.

We went through a lot of experiments with our first dog, (German Shepherd) and the internet really helped us pass through that period successfully.

This website is a way we give back to the community of dog lovers, sharing what we know and have come to learn.

Thank you for visiting Caninevile and hope to see you soon!

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