
Top 10 Intelligent Dog Breeds In 2023

Man’s best friend! For hundreds of years and with a growing list of pets owned by millions around the globe, dogs have maintained the title “man’s best friend.” There must be a reason for that.

Some dogs have outstanding characteristics. This is not about how cute the dog looks, how it works, or how those adorable puppy eyes can melt your heart. It is more about what makes each dog specie special.

Humanity’s faithful companions, as some like to call them, have been around for a long time. History has shown that these cute, dreamy-eyed, intelligent creatures have had their fair share of servitude.

Defining the intelligence of dogs is usually based on how they interact with humans. Experts have found the intelligence of these beautiful creatures on instinct, adaptivity, and obedience.

Instincts refer to why humans breed dogs and how they behave naturally. Adaptivity refers to how the dog interacts and learns from its environment. Obedience relates to the dogs’ ability and willingness to please people.

Based on thorough research and experiences of dog owners worldwide, what are the most intelligent dog breeds? Here is the list of the top 10 most intelligent dogs of 2023.

  • The Australian Cattle Dog.
  • The English Springer Spaniel.
  • The Rottweiler.
  • The Labrador Retriever.
  • The Golden Retriever.
  • The German Shepherd.
  • The Border Collie.
  • The Belgian Tervuren.
  • The Keeshond Dog.
  • The Schipperke Dog.

Lets look at each of these dog breeds in detail to know just how intelligent they truly are. its important to note that these breeds are not listed according to their intelligence, but give an overview of the most intelligent dog breeds of 2023.

1. The Australian Cattle Dog.

The Australian Cattle Dog.

Naturally bread in Australia, these cute creatures are popularly known for contributing to the country’s beef industry. The Australian cattle dog is almost always motivated to do its job. What job? The name probably gave it away.

The Australian cattle dog can be somewhat restless. You can say they require something to keep them stimulated when owners and city dwellers don’t want the dog to do what it wants. This can quickly become a challenge.

When you try to ignore this challenge or accomplish it, you will find that the dog Australian cattle dog is brilliant and organized. They are ever willing to learn and make great partners for the human species.

The Australian cattle dog, usually called the most intelligent Australian dog, usually weighs 335 to 50 pounds and can grow as tall as 20 inches. Their life expectancy is between 12 to 16 years.

2. The English springer spaniel

The English springer spaniel

Growing up to 2 inches in height, weighing up to 50 pounds, and expected to live up to 14 years, these beautiful green-eyed cuties are obedient, friendly, and excellent companions. Bred to fetch and retrieve game birds centuries ago, the British did not mind that they were almost indistinguishable from other species like the English field spaniel and English cocker spaniel. It is no surprise that they have some identical names. Over the years, the English springer spaniel has earned its clear distinguishing feature from its cousins with similar last names.

3. The Rottweiler

The Rottweiler

A popular choice in many action movies. Well, the rottweiler has been found to date back to the days of the Roman Empire. It is said that rottweilers were used to herd livestock in those days. They are known for their unshaken loyalty, strength, and critical mindfulness.

And because of these qualities, rottweilers have been active participants working with the police force in different countries, used as guard dogs, and even for search and rescue operations.

Rottweilers are a strong species. While they show strength and agility, usually when scaring off offenders and threats, they deliver exceptional affection and loyalty.

And that is why they are not just attractive options as police dogs but also good options as therapy and service dogs. With an acquired reputation for being feared, primarily due to what people have used rottweilers for, they are known to not run from defending their family.

The rottweiler can grow as tall as 27 inches and weigh between 30 to 135 pounds. Known as the most intelligent large dog, they are expected to live up to 10 years.

4. The Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever

A descendant of the St. john dog, the Labrador retriever hails from Newfoundland, Canada. The Labrador retriever is famous for its water-repellant coat, hence its skilled job of retrieving ducks during hunts.

The Labrador retriever is not on this list because of its ability to fetch ducks. There is more to this wonderful breed. Their keen sense of smell, ability to make sound judgment, and self-training capabilities makes them unique.

This breed of uniqueness can weigh up to 80 pounds, is 21 to 24 inches tall, and is expected to live up to 12 years.

5. Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever

Diligent, dependable, and obedient are the words used to describe golden retrievers. The golden retriever is known for its ever-willing impulse to please its owner. This makes golden retriever’s a perfect companion, but it also makes them reliable in situations that require endurance.

With just the right agility level, golden retrievers are excellent in search and rescue operations and are a preferred pet choice for many. They sometimes weigh up to 75 pounds and grow as tall as 24 inches, lasting 10 to 12 years.

6. German shepherd

The German shepherd

The German Shepherd is on this list because of its ability to make sound judgments quickly. This intelligent herding dog can be easily trained and has enhanced protective instincts for members of their pack. Their ability to evaluate situations makes them a good fit for law enforcement services and search and rescue operations.

7. Border Collie

The Border Collie

As the remarkably bright workaholic, the border collie book smart. With a record of recognizing over 1000 words. These dogs are affectionate, intelligent, and energetic. They are always eager for mental and physical stimulation.

They are good communicators and have earned a reputation for getting whatever they want from their owners. They can live for up to 15 years, weighing about 55 pounds with a height between 18 to 22 inches.

8. The Belgian Tervuren

The Belgian Tervuren

The Belgian Tervuren has earned its place on the most intelligent dog breeds list because of its tracking ability, high energy levels, and affinity for sports. This breed is known for its brain energy and functioning skills.

They are treasured herders with protective instincts and an excellent companion. They can live up to 14 years, grow as tall as 26 inches, and weigh up to 75 pounds.

9. keeshond

The keeshond

A furball you want to take home and snuggle. The keeshond is quite adorable. While they are pleasing to the eyes, they made it to the list due to their companionship and agility for guard duty. They have climbed up the ladder and are now more present as therapy dogs, a role that suits them even better.t these 18-inch teddy bears weigh around 45 pounds and live up to 15 years.

10. The schipperke

The schipperke

Bred for pest control on Flemish canal boats, the schipperke is called the little captain. For such a little body and delicate face of a fox, the schipperke surprises everyone with its bravery and mischievous intensity. It is small and always ready to work. They weigh about 16 pounds, grow as tall as 13 inches, and live for nearly 14 years.


Dogs are incredible creatures. They are intelligent, loyal, and super cute. When picking a dog companion, don’t forget to pick one with high brainpower, like the dogs on the list.


Here at Caninevile, I write about our personal experiences owning, breeding and sometime babysitting deferent dog breeds.

We went through a lot of experiments with our first dog, (German Shepherd) and the internet really helped us pass through that period successfully.

This website is a way we give back to the community of dog lovers, sharing what we know and have come to learn.

Thank you for visiting Caninevile and hope to see you soon!

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