
The Cost of Feeding and Vaccination for Small Dog Breeds In the US.

A small breed dog

In our previous post, we considered why you need a dog. Those reasons have motivated you to consider getting a nice dog. Owning a dog is new to you; there is no better way to begin this process than with a small dog breed. But even this has left you with the problem of estimating how much it will cost you to care for a small dog breed. This is a good question because estimating how much it will cost will help you make a rough budget to avoid any roadblocks.

Feeding and medication are the most important when caring for any dog breed. Other small things include the cost of getting a crate, toys, and a leash. If you are the type that wants a well-behaved dog, consider enrolling your new dog in an obedience school. This, of course, costs money. This post will consider how much it will cost to feed and vaccinate a small dog breed if you live in the US. If this interests you, stick around until the end of this post.

What Is The Cost Of Feeding a Small Dog Breed Monthly?

The cost of feeding a small dog breed in the United States will vary depending on the quality of dog food and the amount of feeding you choose. But let’s consider what it will cost you to feed your small dog breed monthly on a low, medium, and high-quality dog food brand. The dog food we will use in this estimation is the popular dry food.

Estimated Monthly Cost of Feeding with a Low-Quality Dry Food Brand.

If you opt for a low-quality dry dog food brand, the cost per cup is generally lower than higher-quality options. Let’s assume the cost per cup is $0.25 for this estimate.

Considering a small dog breed weighing around 10 pounds (4.5 kilograms) that consumes approximately 3/4 cup of dry dog food per day, we can calculate the monthly cost as follows:

Daily food consumption: 3/4 cup

Monthly food consumption: 30 days x 3/4 cup = 22.5 cups

Monthly cost: 22.5 cups x $0.25 per cup = $5.625

Therefore, based on these estimates, it would cost approximately $5.63 per month to feed a small dog breed weighing around 10 pounds in the United States using low-quality dry dog food. Brand. Remember that while low-quality dog food may be more affordable, it may provide a different level of nutrition than higher-quality options. It’s important to prioritize your dog’s health and consult with a veterinarian to ensure they receive adequate nutrition.

Estimated Monthly Cost Of Feeding with a Medium-Quality Dry Food Brand.

If you choose to feed your small dog using a mid-range quality dog food, the cost can range from $0.25 to $0.75 per cup of dry dog food. Let’s take an average of $0.50 per cup.

Assuming the dog consumes 1/2 cup of food daily, the daily cost would be around $0.25 (0.5 cups x $0.50 per cup). For a month, it would amount to approximately $7.50 (30 days x $0.25 per day).

Assuming the dog consumes 1 cup of food daily, the daily cost would be around $0.50 (1 cup x $0.50 per cup). For a month, it would amount to approximately $15.00 (30 days x $0.50 per day).

Remember that these estimates are based on average costs and serving sizes, and prices can vary depending on the specific brand, location, and any discounts or promotions available. It’s also important to factor in additional expenses for treats, occasional wet food, and any dietary supplements or special dietary needs your dog may have.

Estimated Monthly Cost Of Feeding With a High-Quality Dry Food Brand.

If you choose a high-quality dry dog food brand, the cost per cup tends to be higher than lower-quality options. For this estimate, let’s assume a cost per cup of $1.00 for the high-quality dry dog food brand.

Considering a small dog breed weighing around 10 pounds (4.5 kilograms) that consumes approximately 3/4 cup of dry dog food per day, we can calculate the monthly cost as follows:

Daily food consumption: 3/4 cup

Monthly food consumption: 30 days x 3/4 cup = 22.5 cups

Monthly cost: 22.5 cups x $1.00 per cup = $22.50

Therefore, based on these estimates, it would cost approximately $22.50 per month to feed a small dog breed weighing around 10 pounds in the United States using a high-quality dry dog food brand.

Remember that while high-quality dog food may come at a higher price, it often contains better ingredients and provides more balanced nutrition, which can positively impact your dog’s overall health and well-being. Now that we have been able to estimate how much it will cost to feed a small dog breed in the US monthly let’s consider how much it will cost to vaccinate your dog each year.

What Is The Cost of Vaccinating Your Small Dog? (The First Year and Beyond).

The cost of vaccinating, deworming, and immunizing a small dog breed yearly in the United States can vary depending on several factors, such as your location, the specific vaccines and medications required, and the veterinary clinic you visit. Additionally, prices may change over time. While I can provide a general estimate, it’s important to note that actual costs differ.


Core vaccinations, including distemper, parvovirus, adenovirus, and rabies, are typically recommended for dogs. Each vaccine can range from $20 to $60 per vaccine. Booster shots are often required annually or every three years. Therefore, core vaccinations can range from $40 to $120 annually.


Deworming medications treat and prevent common parasites like roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms. The cost of deworming medication can vary but generally ranges from $5 to $20 per treatment. Depending on your veterinarian’s recommendation, you may need to deworm your dog a few times a year.


Additional immunizations, such as those for canine influenza or Lyme disease, may be recommended based on your location and your dog’s lifestyle. These vaccines can range from $20 to $50 per vaccine. Depending on the specific immunizations required, this can add cost to the yearly vaccinations.

Final Estimate

Overall, the estimated cost for vaccinating, deworming, and immunizing a small dog breed yearly in the United States can range from approximately $70 to $190 or more, considering core vaccinations, deworming treatments, and any additional immunizations that may be needed.

Please note that these are general estimates, and the actual costs may vary based on various factors, such as your location, the specific veterinary clinic you visit, and any discounts or promotions available. It’s recommended to consult with your veterinarian for accurate pricing information based on your circumstances.

Final Thoughts

In this post, we have considered what it will cost you on average to feed a small dog breed in the United States. These figures are just estimates and could cost much less or even more depending on the economy, location, and the brand of foods and vaccines you decide to use. Now that it has been said, you must feel much more confident to hurry out and get your first small breed for a test run. But wait, still wondering why you need a dog in your life, Click the link to find out.


Here at Caninevile, I write about our personal experiences owning, breeding and sometime babysitting deferent dog breeds.

We went through a lot of experiments with our first dog, (German Shepherd) and the internet really helped us pass through that period successfully.

This website is a way we give back to the community of dog lovers, sharing what we know and have come to learn.

Thank you for visiting Caninevile and hope to see you soon!

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