
Is a Weekly Bath Okay for German Shepherd Dogs? (4 Tricks for Healthy GSD’S)

A German Shepherd after bathing

One of the common questions a new German Shepherd owner asks is how often their dogs should be bathed. And if you have found this website, you are probably a new owner wondering the same thing. Or probably your German Shepherd is already suffering from some skin issues and you feel it is a result of the whole bathing situation.

Whatever the case, this post has been designed to help answer this question in the most satisfying way possible. The goal is that at the end of this post, you will have been well-informed about the type of bathing routine your German Shepherd needs. So how often does your German Shepherd need a bath?

On average, a German Shepherd should be given a bath once in about 2-3 months. This is because of the natural oil contained in the skins of these dogs which helps keep them hydrated and healthy. The chemicals present in dog soaps and shampoos could reduce the oil contents of their skin which could be damaging.

But you might live in an environment where your German Shepherd could be more susceptible to dirt. And what about that bad smell your dog might have after a month of no bathing? How do you cope with that? Let’s consider four amazing ways to keep your German Shepherd clean and healthy before the next scheduled bath.

Keep Your German Shepherd Looking and Smelling Good Without a Bath (4 Tricks)

Keeping your German Shepherd clean and healthy could vary in difficulty depending on the energy level of your dog. Regardless, these three tips will go a long way to keeping your dog both smelling and looking clean and healthy. These tricks include :

  1. Daily brushing
  2. Cleaning of the ears
  3. Regular Hosing down
  4. Feeding or applying coconut oil to the skin.

These four tricks seem logical don’t you think? Well, let’s look at how applying each of these suggestions will actively affect your dog’s overall health.

Daily Brushing your GSD

How often do you brush your German Shepherd’s coat? Brushing German Shepherds daily is very important if you are to keep your dog looking clean. But more than that, daily brushing your German Shepherd’s coat helps control the dog’s shedding as German Shepherds are double-coated and shed a lot. Daily brushing also helps reduce the risk of hair entanglement and matting.

Aside from all this, daily brushing your GSD helps promote healthy skin. How? Well, because daily brushing your GSD helps stimulate the production of that natural oil which in turn promotes healthy and shiny skin. Finally, regularly brushing your German Shepherd allows you to check daily for the presence of parasites like ticks and fleas and deal with them accordingly.

There are other reasons why daily brushing your German Shepherd’s coat would be very beneficial. Such as temperature regulation, provides a good opportunity to bond, and carry out an overall health check.

If you want to keep your German Shepherd looking and smelling clean until the next time you bathe her, you must brush her coat regularly.


1. Use the Right Tools

  • Invest in a slicker brush or undercoat rake to effectively remove loose fur and prevent matting.

2. Establish a Regular Routine

  •  Brush your German Shepherd at least 2-3 times a week to manage shedding and keep the coat healthy.

3. Check for Mats and Tangles

  •  Before brushing, inspect for knots, mats, or tangles, and gently work through them with your fingers or a comb.

4. Brush in the Direction of Hair Growth

  • Brush in the natural direction of hair growth to avoid discomfort and breakage, starting from the neck and moving toward the tail.

5. Use Positive Reinforcement

  • Make the grooming experience positive by offering treats and praise, creating a good association with brushing for your German Shepherd.

P.S. I loved applying dog powder on my German Shepherd’s hair before giving her the final brushing as it helped me protect her skin from parasites. I did this ideally once every two weeks when I had a German Shepherd. I found this helpful in protecting her from parasites and thought to share it with you. If you want more in-depth info on how to do this visit this link

Cleaning your German Shepherd’s Ears.

Another good way to keep your German Shepherd clean is by regularly cleaning her ears. Cleaning your GSD’s ears twice in 4 to 6 weeks will help keep her healthy. If you have not been cleaning your German Shepherd’s ears before now, you should notice a certain foul odor every time you try to interact with her. That smell is most likely coming from your dog’s ears.


  • To get started, I recommend contacting your vet for recommendations on the best solutions to use for the cleaning.
  • Avoid inserting anything too deeply into your German Shepherd’s ears. For more info on this watch the video below.

Regularly Hose Down your German Shepherd

Besides her regular bath, hosing down your German Shepherd is a good way to get rid of most of the dirt that has accumulated over the nonbathing period. This is a simple and fun game your German Shepherd would come to love. As the name suggests, hosing down your dog simply means spraying down your dog with clean treated lukewarm water connected to a hose to remove dirt from its body.


  • Connect a hose with a tap with medium-pressure running water.
  • Get someone to assist you with holding down your dog already connected to a leash.
  • Gently spray down your dog with the running water. Ensure you spend time on each section of your dog’s coat as German Shepherds are double-coated.
  • Allow your German Shepherd to shake off the excess water.
  • Dry your German Shepherds coat using a towel or hair dryer.
  • Pat and treat your dog once you are done

Aside from helping to keep your dog clean, hosing down your dog also helps regulate your German Shepherd’s temperature, which is very important if you live in a country with majorly hot weather. Note, that this hosing down should be done without shampoo and soap until the time you have designated to bathe your dog.

Hosing down your dog could be done once or twice a week depending on your dog’s coat type and the weather condition. Remember, the best time to do this is when you discern your dog is dirty, and under extreme heat conditions. Don’t forget to dry down your GSD with a towel.

Feeding and Applying Coconut Oil to GSD’s Skin

Another thing I would recommend including in your dog’s life is coconut oil. This is not only good when added to your dog’s diet, but also very good when applied on your dog’s skin. Coconut oil helps improve healthy shiny coats not only in the German Shepherd dog but also in every other dog. It also helps keep your dog’s skin hydrated and triggers the production of the natural oil your German Shepherd’s skin needs to stay clean and healthy.

Including coconut oil in your German Shepherd’s diet daily could make a difference to the overall look of your dog. It is recommended you please discuss with your vet the best way to start including this natural oil in your dog’s diet. If you would be interested in more information concerning the best dog food diet for your German shepherd, check out the post linked.

Final thoughts

So in summary, your German Shepherd should be bathed at most twice a month.

But daily brushing, and hosing down with clean fresh water can be done more frequently – twice a week if you live in a pretty dirty environment, and even daily if the weather is especially hot.

Also, remember to include coconut oil in your dog’s diet and skin care treatment to maintain the healthy skin you desire for your dog.



Here at Caninevile, I write about our personal experiences owning, breeding and sometime babysitting deferent dog breeds.

We went through a lot of experiments with our first dog, (German Shepherd) and the internet really helped us pass through that period successfully.

This website is a way we give back to the community of dog lovers, sharing what we know and have come to learn.

Thank you for visiting Caninevile and hope to see you soon!

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