

One of the most remarkable things about canines is their sense of smell. Dogs have powerful noses that can detect more than 70,000 aromas and tell them apart. The smell receptors of dogs are also sixty times stronger than humans, which is why they can easily pick up on things or changes that we are unaware of. Because of this amazing feat, dogs have proven to be of great use in detecting bombs, drugs, and even weapons in places humans would never have suspected. The German shepherd dog is no exception to this outstanding ability; in fact, they are one of the most used dogs by security agents in detecting and disarming potential threats to society. Now can your German shepherd know if you’re pregnant?

Yes, they can detect the subtle changes in your body before you do. When pregnant, your hormones are altered and expelled in distinct patterns and amounts that your dog will pick up on. As much as they pick up on those changes, that doesn’t necessarily mean they know you’re pregnant, especially if it’s still early. Either way, they sense the change in your body and mood and will be quicker in confirming your pregnancy before you do.

Of course, your German shepherd will change with you in terms of behavior as you change. Once your dog detects your pregnancy, it’ll begin to exhibit certain traits you will notice.

So, How Will Your German Shepherd Act When You’re Pregnant?

For one, they will become more protective of you. If you thought your dog was protective before, you’re in for a treat because a lot will amplify it. Your dog will ensure you’re well taken care of to the best of your ability. If they notice you’re in a potentially stressful or dangerous situation, they’ll be quick to jump in and “rescue” you whether you ask for it or not.

Secondly, your dog will be more affectionate toward you. German shepherds are already very social and affectionate, especially towards their owners. When you’re pregnant, your dog will double up on the love and refuse to leave your side. They’ll want to be with you more often and sniff your belly because they know what’s in there. So, get ready to have your German shepherd dog stick closer than your shadow.

Another guaranteed behavior from your German shepherd dog is that they will be more alert to danger. This stems from them already becoming more protective of you. Your dog will constantly look for danger no matter where you are and might even become aggressive in familiar and unfamiliar places. Whether going for a walk or chilling at home, your German shepherd will constantly be alert to ensure no harm to their precious human.

While some dogs might quickly adapt to the change during and after your pregnancy, others may find it difficult to accept it, especially if it’s the first pregnancy. For a dog that is used to being the center of attention and affection, it might be harder for them to accept the new addition to the house that has seemingly come to replace them. If your dog is like that, it will need a lot more care and reassurance that it’s still important so that it doesn’t act out in the future or become potentially dangerous.

What To Do For Your German Shepherd During And After Your Pregnancy.

As for all dogs, the most important thing to do is to make sure there isn’t a sudden change to their routine. It is good to stick to their routine as much as possible. Dogs are creatures of habit, and it is almost impossible to alter their usual way of doing things. Any sudden change could make them sad and irritable, which you want to avoid.

Go for walks as you’d normally do and spend as much time with them during your pregnancy. Show them more affection than normal, making them even more excited about the new baby.

After your pregnancy.

Your dog must be welcoming and accepting of the newborn to avoid any future problems in the house. German shepherds are very social dogs, keen on doing anything to please their owners. If your dog senses how much love you have for your child, there’s a high chance they’ll feel the same way. Introduce the baby to your dog so it can imprint on them; that way, they’ll see the child as a part of the family, not a replacement.

Take time out for your dog and include it in family activities to further strengthen the bond that already exists between you. Letting your dog get used to the baby’s presence will also help prepare it mentally for any future additions to the family so it’ll know what to do and how to act when another baby comes around.


German shepherds can detect the change in you when you’re pregnant, and this will cause them to act differently towards you even if they’re not sure of the reason. As with all animals, everything they do is instinctual, but that instinct can be trained into a formidable tool when it comes. Once you confirm that you’re pregnant, see it as an opportunity to grow close to your dog and let them see the beauty in welcoming new life to the family, because who knows, one day it might be their turn to do the same.


Here at Caninevile, I write about our personal experiences owning, breeding and sometime babysitting deferent dog breeds.

We went through a lot of experiments with our first dog, (German Shepherd) and the internet really helped us pass through that period successfully.

This website is a way we give back to the community of dog lovers, sharing what we know and have come to learn.

Thank you for visiting Caninevile and hope to see you soon!

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