
Can German Shepherd Eat Blood Meals?

German Shepherds are very famous dogs. What makes this dog so renowned is its skill and intelligence. The German Shepherd is so intelligent that it has been tagged as a purpose utility dog. Well, because of how popular this dog breed is, there are often a lot of questions surrounding it. One of the funniest questions asked by both old and new owners is whether feeding your German Shepherd blood meal Is okay. After long thought and research, a team here at Caninevile has concluded.

The answer is no! Under no circumstance should you feed your German Shepherd blood? A German Shepherd that is provided blood tends to be wilder than usual. Though dogs have been domesticated, they still harbor a wild side, which humans have tried to suppress through years of breeding. Feeding your German Shepherd blood could help gradually unlock that wild and violent tendency.

But if you shouldn’t feed your German Shepherd blood, what of other Dog breeds?

Should You Feed Dogs Blood?

The answer to this is no as well. Feeding your dog blood would cause more harm than good to your dog. It could affect your dog both physically and mentally. This post will examine two significant side effects of feeding your dog blood.

We would also look at some healthy human foods you could provide your German Shepherd that would promote a much healthier lifestyle. So first, let’s look at two side effects of feeding your Greman Shepherds blood.

Two Reasons You Shouldn’t Feed Your German Shepherd Blood.

We discovered a lot of terrible consequences for dogs fed blood. The adverse effects were prominent in two significant parts of the dog. It’s physical and mental health. Let’s share with you what we discovered.


This was primarily seen in stray dogs living beside a butcher shop. They constantly fed from the leftover meats and bones, along with their blood.

Though this made these dogs much more significant than usual, it left them with deteriorating skin conditions.

They also suffered from a poor immune system and open wounds. All these dogs lived relatively short lives. They also suffered from digestion problems.

This observation was seen in the Nigerian Local dog breed’s study, which has a robust immune system. Still, the outcome was disastrous.

How much more with our German Shepherds, which have a weaker immune system? If you have been feeding your German Shepherd blood, now would be a perfect time to stop that.


Another thing we noticed in our observation of these stray dogs was that each was suffering from one or more symptoms of brain damage.

They behaved very differently from your average dog. They had very aggressive confrontations with each other and the humans around them.

They were also highly territorial and unbalanced. Then there was the usual unpredictability. You could never really know how the dogs would react, and so it made life with them around very uncomfortable for many.

We also noticed that the group of dogs that constantly fed from the butcher’s meat and blood found it very difficult to eat anything else.

Because of this behavior, we believe that if a German Shepherd were to eat blood, it would do more harm than good.

Most people find it feeding their German Shepherd very stressful and expensive. So they look for other alternatives that could also be helpful. Let’s look at five human foods you can feed your German Shepherd.

Five human Foods you could Feed your German Shepherd.

German Shepherds can eat Rice.

Rice is a good source of calcium and vitamin for your German Shepherd. If you decide to feed your German Shepherd rice, be sure not to add any spices to it. You could provide your GSD white Rice, but brown whole grain rice is much healthier. You could add can food to the rice mixture to give your dog added value and flavor.

Beans are good for German Shepherds.

Beans are a good source of protein and are very good for your dog. You could feed your dog either white or brown beans. For added value, you could add chunks of meat and even oil to the mixture. This would add more value to the meal, giving your dog added protein and vitamins.

Cooked potato is safe for German Shepherds.

Potato, whether sweet or Irish, is perfect for your German Shepherd. It is rich in fiber, carbohydrates, and minerals. This helps your dog’s body metabolism and promotes a strong and vibrant immune system.

Though your dogs would be comfortable eating this food alone because of its inviting aroma, you could make it more decadent by including rich dog food, either canned or dry.

Pork is okay for your GSD.

Pork is not only rich in protein, but it also contains fiber, minerals, and Iron. You could feed your German Shepherd pork because of this rich meal alone without needing to supplement it with anything else. Ensure, though, to cook the pork meat till it’s done. This would make it easily digestible by your German Shepherd. You could also include dry food alongside the pork meat.

German Shepherds can eat Tuna.

Tuna is a super food for dogs. It could be served as either a treat or a whole meal. Tuna fish contains Omega three fatty acids, which aid a healthier heart for animals and humans. Tuna also includes some level of protein and vitamin. We recommend having Tuna in your dog’s diet as often as possible. It could help improve your dog’s life span.

Always Feed Your Dogs Healthy.

If you desire to get the best out of your dog both physically and mentally, you need to feed your dog foods that are healthy and rich in protein, vitamins, and fiber. Avoid feeding your dog blood, and try to include one of these meals on your dog’s menu. If you do, you would add value to the life of your canine.


Here at Caninevile, I write about our personal experiences owning, breeding and sometime babysitting deferent dog breeds.

We went through a lot of experiments with our first dog, (German Shepherd) and the internet really helped us pass through that period successfully.

This website is a way we give back to the community of dog lovers, sharing what we know and have come to learn.

Thank you for visiting Caninevile and hope to see you soon!

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